

Where has the past seven months gone? I finished my comprehensive exam in February; then, BAM, it’s September. This post will be short and not so sweet, but it will give you an idea of where my life is heading and how I am trying to stay afloat.

First, I have a baby on the way—very exciting news. We do not know the gender, and said baby is due in a couple of weeks. Second, we’ve been dealing with an unexpected family tragedy over the past five months, which has come to a tragic end. This has taken a toll on my partner and her family and has preoccupied me (obviously). Lastly, I will begin writing again in the coming week and intend to write once a week. My next post will be about Digital History — a course I am teaching this semester — and I will consider what it means to practice digital history in academic and public spaces. So, stay tuned. Good luck to everyone and see you soon.


Incognito Rhōmania


Past the Comps and into History.